Arthritis is the country’s number one crippling disease. The 2 main forms of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is not a simple disease in any form affecting not only the bones and joints but also the blood vessels, kidneys, skin, eyes and brain. People that suffer from arthritis can experience pain, stiffness, inflammation, damage to joint cartilage, weak joints, instability and physical deformities. Problems usually start occurring after 50 years of age and mainly affect weight bearing joints such as hips, knees, spine, feet and hands. The causes are linked to wear and tear and lifestyle habits. Therefore as we age it is essential to provide natural substances to the joint cartilage to aid it in repairing after overuse or injury, so supplementation may become an important option. Many conventional treatments do not effectively treat the disease. Any of our clients find relief from our Cell Regeneration Program. Ask us how we can help you. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and is the most common form of arthritis.
It often appears in the weight bearing joints like the knees, hips and spine and in the hands where there is much cartilage destruction followed by hardening and the formation of large bone spurs on the joints. Osteoarthritis is a condition of age because decades of use lead to degenerative changes in joints and the decreasing ability of the body to repair itself. Food allergies almost always contribute to osteoarthritis symptoms so good detoxification is a good place to start in the healing process. Today we know that osteoarthritis is repairable. Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates are natural components of cartilage, ligaments and tendons, your body uses these compounds to help rebuild and replace the cartilage in every joint. Herbs can be prescribed that reduce inflammation as well as helping to repair connective soft tissue. Other nutrients, such as zinc, are prescribed to repair cells in the body and also to relieve pain. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects a fast majority of the population.
It is a chronic, autoimmune and inflammatory disease. When the connective membrane becomes inflamed, it invades and damages nearby bone and cartilage, resulting in pain, stiffness, loss of movement and eventually destruction of multiple joints. People who have Rheumatoid Arthritis also have digestive problems, fatigue, anemia, ulcerative colitis, and liver malfunction.