How to Lose Stubborn Fat without Crash Diets


Struggling to lose weight and don’t know where to turn next?

Wanting to lose the extra winter kilos without starving yourself?

Are you exercising but can’t shift the excess weight?



Then this free event is for you. ….


Teressa Todd is Australia’s #1 Naturopath, Biochemist and Microbiologist and uses her experience to cut through the maze of weight loss.


“Crash diets don’t work and clients just keep putting on weight each time. It is about understanding the key features of the body for effective weight loss” explains Teressa



In this Online Event you’ll discover:

1. Discover how to Power Up your Universal Detox Filters (and your body will love you for it!!!)

2. How to identify your Hidden Toxins and how to Eliminate them aids weight loss!

3.  The truth about  Weight Loss and how you can master it!

4. The best way to effortlessly create Healthy Meals With Ease!

and much, much more…


Bonus Offer for those attending at end of the webinar. Stay until the end to find out more….



